
Showing posts from October, 2018

SWOT analysis

SWOT analysis By; Juliata Mengistu Strengths   Responsible   Hard working   Positive Artistic Team player Weakness   Grammar procrastinate  Opportunity    School    Pathways Girls group (program outside of the school) College University   Student job Threats   Stress    Insecure   Hesitation

cadbury factory

49 Felstead Avenue Toronto, Ontario M4J 1G3 October17, 2018 Ms. Abigail Beveridge Lead Tour Guide Cadbury School Tour Program Mondelez International 277 Gladstone Ave Toronto, ON M6J 3L9 Dear Ms. Beveridge: On Tuesday October 16, me and my class went to the Cadbury factory. I learned a lot about the factory and its history. I enjoyed when we went to the 4 th and 3 rd floor to see how it all works. My favorite part was looking at the clothing that had chocolate on them, the Guide said they hired designer to make the clothing and got other people to make chocolate that would not melt even when being worn by models.             During the tour I learned a lot of things such as why the chocolate wrappers color is purple and that they weigh the bags of chocolate so neither the customer nor the factory will be cheated. I also learned when cocoa was first found and where it grows now. Th...