
Showing posts from September, 2018

The marshmallow challenge

The Marshmallow Challenge Today in my class we went into groups of 4 to 5 and played the marshmallow challenge. The marshmallow challenge consists of 20 stick of dry spaghetti, 1 marshmallow, 1 m masking tape and 1 m of string. the point of the game was for us to communicate and find a way to build a tall tower. The tower has to be strong enough for the marshmallow to be on top and we also have to be able to move the tower. This challenge is used for all ages and it is shown that kids sussed in this challenge more then adults because kids work with the marshmallow then work down buy adults us more of their time planing the way the stretcher is going to look like, then they build it with the last seconds left they put the marshmallow on but the marshmallow is to heavy so the stretcher falls. This challenge is good to get to now people because you have to calibrate with each other to get to there goal. In my group we went through 5-6 different ideas till we final...

Case Study of JONES Soda

September, 7 2018 Case Study of Jones Soda Today we studied about the Jones soda company in groups of 3-4. During that time Ms. Bay my teacher brought some Jones soda for the class. Some of the thing that my group researched was who started the franchise (Peter Van Stolk), where it started (Vancouver) and other facts about the company. The Jones soda company started in 1987 but wasn't called Jones Soda Co until August 1st 2000. The company was called the Urban Juice and Soda. The reason they changed their name was because during that time the Jones soda marketing company was very successful so they decided that the Jones soda should be there main focus. The way they market the company is by telling the consumer that: If you find "Jones" under the caps you get a free soda If you buy more that 10 chases of 12 bottle then you get delivery taxes taken off Type your bar code into the website contest page and win the chance to submit a personal picture label fo...

25 secrets to success

25 secrets to success 1. positive attitude. 2. "you learn more from failure than from success.  Don't let it stop you. Failure builds character. " ( unknown ) 3. Focus on commitment, not motivation 4. seek knowledge, not results 5. "Failure is a great teacher, and, if you are open to it, every mistake has a lesson to offer." ( oprah ) 6. Don't give up 7. Surround your self with friends that will incurring you 8. Don't define yourself by others success 9. Establish the right habits 10. prioritize yourself 11. persist 12. get out of your comfort zone 13. "the temptation to will be greatest jest before you are are able to succeed." 14. take thins a day at a time 15. never let everyone push you around 16. Be prepared 17. Speak your mind 18. Mange your stress 19. Discipline 20. Challenge yourself  21. Dream big 22. obsess over the detail 23. Have a vision 24. Be able to adapt to change ...