25 secrets to success

25 secrets to success

1. positive attitude.

2. "you learn more from failure than from success. 
Don't let it stop you. Failure builds character. "
( unknown )

3. Focus on commitment, not motivation
4. seek knowledge, not results

5. "Failure is a great teacher, and, if you are open to it,
every mistake has a lesson to offer."
( oprah )

6. Don't give up

7. Surround your self with friends that will incurring you

8. Don't define yourself by others success

9. Establish the right habits

10. prioritize yourself

11. persist

12. get out of your comfort zone

13. "the temptation to will be greatest jest before you are are able to succeed."

14. take thins a day at a time

15. never let everyone push you around

16. Be prepared

17. Speak your mind

18. Mange your stress

19. Discipline

20. Challenge yourself 

21. Dream big

22. obsess over the detail

23. Have a vision

24. Be able to adapt to change

25. be honest


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