Flash of Genus Take-Home Test
1) Where did Robert Kearns get the idea of intermittent windshield wipers?
Robert got the idea of the intermittent windshield wiper from his eyelid. He thought why can't a windshield wiper blink like an eye.
2) Why did Kearns feel that ethics was important in engineering? What do you think?
Kerns thought ethics was important because he was a teacher and he believed right and wrong.
3) Why was Kearns wary of showing his invention to the engineers at Ford?
He was wary of showing his invention because the people he might show it to might steal it from him.
4) list what you think the 5 biggest sacrifices Robert Kearns made to pursue his dream.
1.he lost 13 years of his life
2.he lost his wife (divorce)
3.his relationship with his kids got bad, especially with his eldest son.
5)What was initially motivating Kearns to pursue his dream and invent his wiper blades?
He thought that he was put on the earth to make a difference and he thought that was it.
6)Why did Kearns continue to fight Ford against all odds and not accept the offers to settle?
He believed in ethics (right and wrong), He also believed if he doesn't fight then how can he believe that others will.
7) How do you think Kearns could hove protected his invention better?
By making the contract before he showed the company his plans (blueprints).
8) was the fight Robert Kearns went though worth it? Why or why not?
yes and no because the good part was that he proved everyone wrong and got the credit for his work but he's relationship with his family was bad and he got divorced.
9) what did you learn about being an entrepreneur from this movie?
that if i make something new i should get a patnum and make a contract before showing anything to the company.
10) did this movie intimidate you from or motivate you to become an entrepreneur?
I think the movie intimidated me because i sow how hard it can be to be an entrepreneur.
11) after watching the movies, would you consider Robert kearn a succession life or a failure? why or why not?
no because money can't buy happiness and he lost the most important thing to him, his wife and his kids.
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