Problem Areas At St.Patrick

Problem areas at St.Patrick’s need good solution. Using the following healing, identify any problems that you would associate with that topic and then restate it as an entrepreneurial opportunity, ie. Propose a solution.

  1. Cafeteria- We need more types of food in the cafeteria then pizza  and hot dogs. The school could make a serve for the students to do during their first and second period class about the types of food they most like, what they don't like, and what they would wont served in the cafeteria. It's hard to make and sell food everyday for over 700 kid so the school would make and sell the food 2 or 3 times a week. 
  2. Assemblies- sometime the assemblies are boring so students go on there phone so they should do something to get the students attention. Somethings that they could do are make contests where they can win prizes, or free sives.
  3. Bus Transportation- students sometime come to school late because of delays in the subway. So i think they could find a way to get something to tell the school every time there is a delay in the subway.
  4. Computer labs- faster computers or new ones.
  5. Library- connect all the computer in the library to the printer.  
  6. Daily Announcements- more people on the announcement, not the same people every time. They can get 5 different people on the announcement every week.  
  7. Dance Admission Requirements-
  8. Students Dance- get the students involved by making a survey on what they want to see during the dance song choices
  9. Hall Use- nothing is wrong with the hallways use.
  10. Lockers and Locks- Some of the lockers are dented or the don't have a shelf so i think after the school finishes with the stared the shroud fix up the lockers during the summer.they should do it during the summer because the have 2 months to fix it and clean up.
  11. Parking- most of the students come by TTC or get someone to drop then off so parking isn't an issue, but for the teachers that do drive they already have parking in the back of the school.
  12. Dress Code- the only issue  that i can think of for the dress code is the tie for the boys most of then lose it and end up buying new ones so i think that the tie shoulder optional and that there should be sweaters with zippers on them that we are aloud to wear during class so students don't bring the sweaters from home to class.
  13. Any other; temperance- the classes are too cold during the winter so students always bring their jackets to class if there was a working heater then we have no reason to be out of uniform. There also has to be a AC for the summer so it doesn't get to hot.


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