
Problem Areas At St.Patrick

PROBLEM AREAS AT ST.PATRICK Problem areas at St.Patrick’s need good solution. Using the following healing, identify any problems that you would associate with that topic and then restate it as an entrepreneurial opportunity, ie. Propose a solution. Cafeteria- We need more types of food in the cafeteria then pizza  and hot dogs. The school could make a serve for the students to do during their first and second period class about the types of food they most like, what they don't like, and what they would wont served in the cafeteria. It's hard to make and sell food everyday for over 700 kid so the school would make and sell the food 2 or 3 times a week.  Assemblies- sometime the assemblies are boring so students go on there phone so they should do something to get the students attention. Somethings that they could do are make contests where they can win prizes, or free sives. Bus Transportation- students sometime come to school late because of delays in the subway. So i...

Flash of Genus Take-Home Test

1) Where did Robert Kearns get the idea of intermittent windshield wipers? Robert got the idea of the intermittent windshield wiper from his eyelid. He thought why can't a windshield wiper blink like an eye. 2) Why did Kearns feel that ethics was important in engineering? What do you think? Kerns thought ethics was important because he was a teacher and he believed right and wrong. 3) Why was Kearns wary of showing his invention to the engineers at Ford? He was wary of showing his invention because the people he might show it to might steal it from him. 4) list what you think the 5 biggest sacrifices Robert Kearns made to pursue his dream. 1.he lost 13 years of his life 2.he lost his wife (divorce) 3.his relationship with his kids got bad, especially with his eldest son. 4. 5. 5)What was initially motivating Kearns to pursue his dream and invent his wiper blades? He thought that he was put on the earth to make a difference and he thought that was it. 6)...

Buisness Case Study Analysis (Dinnerlicious)

1)Current Situation Who? what? when? where? why? Liz Robitaille is a full time working Mom with 2 kids. Her husband also works full time so her ability to plan, shop for and prepare fresh, home cooked meals and difficult. Just before Christmas she over here some girls from her work talking about a new meal planning company in Hamilton called Dinnerlicious. She signed up right away, she loves the idea of meals being planned for her but she can still injury cooking for her family now there eating dinner by 6:30 every night. 2)Identify the problem What needs improvement? 3) Environment and Trends Dinnerlicious is not really easy to find, they don't have advertisements that go on TVs and they don’t put up billboards unless you hear it from someone you don't know what it is. Most of the people that get food from Dinnerlicious. They also don't have a lot of information about them online other than their website to buy the food and some good comments about other there food by oth...

Chapter 4

                Ch. 4 Challenges and Changes Agricultural Age : to gather seeds and plant them in cleared land. Merchants : people that are involved in trades. Some merchants brought there good or service directly to their customer. Industrial Age : A period when people began to build equipment they could use to produce standardized good in large quantities. Laborer : someone who was hired by few people who could afford to be business owners. Intangible asset : its and asset. Goodwill : friendship, like allies Command and control: the laborers were expected to follow the exact instructions of the manager. Trade union : a group of workers in the late 18 th and early 19 th centuries bargaining with their employers for better working conditions. Strike : when the workers refuse to work until they had achieved their objective. New economy: new industries, such as biotechnology or the Internet...

SWOT analysis

SWOT analysis By; Juliata Mengistu Strengths   Responsible   Hard working   Positive Artistic Team player Weakness   Grammar procrastinate  Opportunity    School    Pathways Girls group (program outside of the school) College University   Student job Threats   Stress    Insecure   Hesitation

cadbury factory

49 Felstead Avenue Toronto, Ontario M4J 1G3 October17, 2018 Ms. Abigail Beveridge Lead Tour Guide Cadbury School Tour Program Mondelez International 277 Gladstone Ave Toronto, ON M6J 3L9 Dear Ms. Beveridge: On Tuesday October 16, me and my class went to the Cadbury factory. I learned a lot about the factory and its history. I enjoyed when we went to the 4 th and 3 rd floor to see how it all works. My favorite part was looking at the clothing that had chocolate on them, the Guide said they hired designer to make the clothing and got other people to make chocolate that would not melt even when being worn by models.             During the tour I learned a lot of things such as why the chocolate wrappers color is purple and that they weigh the bags of chocolate so neither the customer nor the factory will be cheated. I also learned when cocoa was first found and where it grows now. Th...

The marshmallow challenge

The Marshmallow Challenge Today in my class we went into groups of 4 to 5 and played the marshmallow challenge. The marshmallow challenge consists of 20 stick of dry spaghetti, 1 marshmallow, 1 m masking tape and 1 m of string. the point of the game was for us to communicate and find a way to build a tall tower. The tower has to be strong enough for the marshmallow to be on top and we also have to be able to move the tower. This challenge is used for all ages and it is shown that kids sussed in this challenge more then adults because kids work with the marshmallow then work down buy adults us more of their time planing the way the stretcher is going to look like, then they build it with the last seconds left they put the marshmallow on but the marshmallow is to heavy so the stretcher falls. This challenge is good to get to now people because you have to calibrate with each other to get to there goal. In my group we went through 5-6 different ideas till we final...